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founded 1 year ago

Two devices that ignited in Europe, officials say, were part of a covert operation to put them on cargo or passenger aircraft


The sackings -- a 50 percent rise on the 394 dismissed the previous year -- include 74 officers kicked out of policing for sexual offences and misconduct. Another 18 officers were dismissed for possessing indecent images of children, according to the figures compiled by the College of Policing, an independent public body.

The reputation of policing in the UK has been left in tatters since the 2021 kidnap, rape and murder of marketing executive Sarah Everard by a serving officer in London's Metropolitan Police who was later jailed for the rest of his life. In another shocking case, an officer from the same unit last year received 36 life sentences for a "monstrous" string of 71 sexual offences, including rapes against 12 women.

The most common reason for dismissal, with 125 cases, was dishonesty, according to the latest figures. Another 71 were forced out for discriminatory behaviour.

In January 2023, the Met revealed that 1,071 officers in the 34,000-strong force had been under investigation for domestic abuse and violence against women and girls. England and Wales has a police workforce of more than 147,000 across the 43 forces.


Cuidar de cabelos cacheados é uma arte que requer uma rotina capilar bem estruturada e produtos específicos para realçar a beleza natural dos cachos.

cuidando dos cachos

Neste guia, vamos abordar desde a escolha dos produtos até técnicas de finalização para garantir cachos definidos, hidratados e livres de frizz.

O objetivo é ajudá-la a entender cada etapa de uma rotina capilar completa e como ela pode transformar seus cabelos cacheados, deixando-os saudáveis e vibrantes.

A Importância de uma Rotina Capilar para Cabelos Cacheados

Os cabelos cacheados possuem uma estrutura única que tende a ser mais seca e frágil, o que os torna propensos ao ressecamento e ao frizz.

Por isso, a rotina de cuidados com os cachos deve ser diferenciada e personalizada. Entender as necessidades do seu cabelo e aplicar uma rotina consistente pode fazer toda a diferença na definição e na saúde dos cachos.

Etapas da Rotina Capilar para Cabelos Cacheados

Para uma rotina capilar completa e eficaz, é importante seguir algumas etapas fundamentais. Tem um blog que possui muito conteúdo sobre cabelos cacheados que você pode conferir neste link:

Abaixo, vamos detalhar cada uma delas para que você saiba como aplicar e adaptar ao seu dia a dia.

Limpeza e Higienização: Low Poo e No Poo

A limpeza é o primeiro passo na rotina capilar. Para cabelos cacheados, as técnicas Low Poo e No Poo são as mais recomendadas.

Essas práticas consistem em usar shampoos sem sulfato ou até mesmo dispensar o uso de shampoo, substituindo-o por produtos mais suaves, como condicionadores limpantes (co-wash).

Dessa forma, a hidratação natural do cabelo é preservada e o ressecamento é minimizado.

  • Low Poo: Utiliza produtos com baixo teor de sulfato, permitindo uma limpeza suave, que remove as impurezas sem retirar totalmente a oleosidade natural.
  • No Poo: Dispensa o uso de shampoo, sendo uma técnica de limpeza ainda mais leve, onde o co-wash é o principal produto utilizado para higienização.

Essas técnicas são ideais para manter a saúde dos cachos e evitar o ressecamento excessivo causado por agentes agressivos.

Hidratação: Essencial para Cachos Saudáveis

A hidratação para cabelos cacheados é fundamental para repor a água nos fios e manter os cachos macios e maleáveis. O ideal é incluir esse passo ao menos uma vez por semana.

  • Produtos indicados: Máscaras de hidratação com ingredientes como aloe vera, pantenol, e glicerina, que ajudam a manter a umidade nos fios.
  • Técnicas de aplicação: Separe o cabelo em seções e aplique a máscara, garantindo que cada mecha receba o produto. Use uma touca térmica para potencializar a absorção.

Para uma hidratação caseira, você pode usar ingredientes naturais como abacate, mel e azeite de oliva. Esse tratamento é eficaz, econômico e oferece nutrientes essenciais para a saúde dos cachos.

Nutrição: Repondo os Lipídios dos Fios Cacheados

A nutrição é o passo que proporciona a reposição dos óleos naturais, essenciais para manter os cachos definidos e com brilho. Esse tratamento é indicado para cabelos cacheados que apresentam muito frizz e opacidade.

  • Produtos indicados: Máscaras nutritivas com óleos como o de coco, argan, e abacate. Esses ingredientes ajudam a alinhar as cutículas e melhorar a aparência dos fios.
  • Umectação: A umectação é uma técnica de nutrição profunda que utiliza óleos 100% vegetais. Aplique o óleo nos fios secos, deixe agir por algumas horas ou durante a noite e, em seguida, lave o cabelo com a técnica Low Poo.

A nutrição é especialmente importante para quem está em transição capilar, pois ajuda a definir os cachos e melhorar a textura dos fios.

Reconstrução: Fortalecendo os Cachos

A reconstrução capilar é um tratamento que devolve a força e a elasticidade dos fios, restaurando a queratina e outras proteínas essenciais.

Esse processo é especialmente importante para cabelos cacheados que passam por químicas ou que estão muito danificados.

  • Produtos indicados: Máscaras de reconstrução com queratina, aminoácidos e colágeno.
  • Periodicidade: A reconstrução deve ser feita com menos frequência, geralmente uma vez ao mês, para evitar o enrijecimento dos fios.

Esse tratamento é a base para fortalecer e revitalizar os cachos, especialmente quando estão quebradiços e sem vida.

Finalização: Técnicas para Definir os Cachos

A finalização é a etapa onde você define o formato dos cachos e controla o frizz.

Existem várias técnicas de finalização para cabelos cacheados, e você pode adaptar a que melhor funciona para o seu tipo de cacho.

  • Fitagem: É uma técnica muito popular que consiste em aplicar o creme de pentear em mechas finas, o que ajuda a definir cada cacho.
  • Plopping: Utiliza uma camiseta de algodão ou toalha de microfibra para ajudar na definição dos cachos e reduzir o frizz.
  • Creme de pentear e gelatina: A combinação de creme de pentear com gelatina capilar proporciona fixação e definição prolongada, ideal para quem deseja cachos definidos por mais tempo.

A finalização correta é crucial para que os cachos permaneçam definidos e sem frizz durante o dia todo.

Controle de Frizz: Mantendo a Definição dos Cachos

O frizz é uma das principais preocupações para quem tem cabelo cacheado, pois a estrutura do fio tende a levantar e criar volume indesejado. Existem várias dicas para reduzir o frizz e manter os cachos definidos.

  • Secagem com Difusor: Use um difusor na hora de secar os cabelos para evitar o frizz e preservar a definição dos cachos.
  • Óleos Finalizadores: Óleos como o de argan ou jojoba ajudam a controlar o frizz, pois formam uma camada protetora ao redor dos fios.
  • Evitar Atrito: Troque a toalha tradicional por uma de microfibra ou uma camiseta de algodão, que geram menos atrito e evitam o frizz.

Adotar uma rotina capilar que inclua esses cuidados é fundamental para reduzir o frizz e manter a definição dos cachos.

Produtos Naturais para Cabelos Cacheados

Para quem busca uma rotina mais natural, existem opções de produtos caseiros e ingredientes que podem ser incluídos na rotina capilar de maneira eficaz.

Esses produtos ajudam a fortalecer e dar brilho aos cachos de forma natural.

  • Óleo de Coco: Excelente para umectação e hidratação profunda.
  • Aloe Vera: Planta com propriedades hidratantes e regeneradoras, ideal para quem busca uma hidratação mais leve.
  • Vinagre de Maçã: Ajuda a selar as cutículas dos fios, dando brilho e alinhamento.

Esses produtos naturais são acessíveis e ajudam a cuidar dos cachos de maneira menos agressiva e mais sustentável.

Adaptação e Constância na Rotina Capilar

Manter uma rotina capilar consistente é a chave para garantir que os cabelos cacheados estejam sempre saudáveis e definidos.

Cada cabelo é único, e pode levar algum tempo para encontrar a combinação de produtos e técnicas que melhor se adaptam ao seu tipo de cacho.

Aproveite para experimentar diferentes métodos de finalização e produtos para perceber como seus cachos reagem.


cross-posted from:


Hello everyone. I've been looking for a new laptop recently, and I was wondering what your thoughts were. This is what I want in a new lapop:

  • Decently powerful processor for virtualization, compilation, and BitTorrent
  • Easily replaceable/upgradable battery
  • Upgradable RAM
  • Upgradable storage (preferably 1 TiB+ NVMe SSD)
  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • Hassle-free Wi-fi (I'm tired of fighting with proprietary blobs that need manual installation and want something plug-and-play)
  • Hassle-free Bluetooth
  • Ethernet port
  • USB ports
  • Hardy frame (nice but not required)

Important note: Ideally the laptop will be compatible with Linux Libre, as I want to run Guix System on it. But I'm not opposed to using the normal Linux kernel if necessary (and probably will anyways due to security protections like Spectre).

I've been eyeing the ThinkPad T480 (specs link) for some time. What do you think? It seems to tick all the boxes:

  • Powerful processor: i7-8650U (a 2018 model I think)
  • Upgradable battery: 24 Wh internal + 72 Wh discrete battery
  • Upgradable RAM (up to 32 GB)
  • Upgradable storage
  • A webcam
  • A microphone
  • Wi-fi
  • Bluetooth
  • Lots of ports (3 USB Type-C, 1 HDMI, 1 Ethernet, 1 headphone)

I do have some concern about the additional storage though. A Reddit user said this:

Just note that the T480 has only 2 usable PCIe lanes, so it's half the rated max speeds (ie, for most of the premium performance pcie3x4 drives, it's about 3500/3000MBps reads/writes respectively), so half that because it's only 2 lanes.

Found this out the hard way, ended up selling the T480 and going for a T14 AMD instead, because for that particular use case I had, high speed reads/writes were important. Was wondering why my 970 Evo Plus was so slow, and thought I had a faulty drive for a moment.

Lenovo acknowledges this limitation at the PSREF: "Installed M.2 SSD is PCIe 3.0 x 4 but run at PCIe 3.0 x 2 due to M.2 SSD adapter limitation"

Link to post

I'm not sure what to think about that. I don't like the idea of getting half capacity, but 1.5 GBps doesn't seem so bad, even if it could theoretically be higher.

Has anyone here used this laptop? Am I understanding the specs correctly?

This isn't specific to this laptop, but how do you determine which NVMe to get? I see lots of numbers and am not certain how to interpret them.

If you think another laptop would meet the above qualifications, feel free to point it out. But my budget is rather tight (250 USD max for the computer, preferably under ~200 USD if possible), so I probably don't have a lot of options with regards to newer computers, which is why I was considering this slightly dated model.

Bonus: I found this article while browsing. Looks like the Wi-fi and Bluetooth don't work…


My father bought some of these solar powered LED lights for scattering around the property, they're random crap from Amazon, "HMCITY" brand..? Whatever.

Two identical units mounted to two sheds, both facing the same direction, afternoon sunlight dappled through trees. One works fine and detects people and cars from a few dozen feet away. One has to be nearly touched before it comes on. This latter one started out okay but has worsened as time goes on to the point that you have to be within a foot or so for it to go off.

I suspect the PIR sensor itself. I'm struggling to identify it's make and model; it's the typical round can with a square window on the top, markings "210AX" and "108", attaches to the circuit board with three pins, and that's basically all I know.

Everything else works, it behaves correctly if you do manage to set it off. My hypothesis is it'll work fine if I can replace the PIR sensor. I don't know much about these things; do they all have the same pinout, etc?

Any advice?


Netflix launched its interactive content efforts in 2017.


For many, this month is when gift-giving season officially begins in the United States (and several other places, I presume) thanks to Black Friday, which is quickly consuming most of November in many cases. As a result, even though online shopping is something most of us engage in year-round, now it’s particularly important to discuss how to safely shop online. Below is my now-annual updated online shopping tips, reflecting techniques and strategies I've picked up in the last year.


Cloudflare's security features could be blocking RSS feed users from accessing your website


This battle is so looooong.


Following a leaked photo of the Nubia RedMagic 10 Ultra, the successor to the RedMagic 9S Pro has now just been tested at Geekbench. Thanks to the combination of the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite and a cooling fan, the smartphone reached an impressive score of 3,229 points on just one core and 10,300 points when using all cores.

This makes Nubia's latest gaming flagship around 42.2% faster than its own predecessor based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. The performance of the Realme GT7 Pro, which is also equipped with a Snapdragon 8 Elite, is outperformed by 7.2% and 12.6%, respectively, and that from the very first Geekbench run. As initial tests of the Realme GT7 Pro have shown, the performance of the smartphone drops drastically under sustained load, so the fan can pay off for gaming enthusiasts in particular.

Geekbench 6 (Single-Core) Geekbench 6 (Multi-Core)
RedMagic 10 Ultra (Snapdragon 8 Elite) 3,229 10,300
Realme GT7 Pro (Snapdragon 8 Elite) 3,011 9,143
iPhone 16 Pro (Apple A17 Pro) 3,461 8,546
RedMagic 9 Pro (Snapdragon 8 Gen 3) 2,270 7,151
Apple M2 2,599 10,089

With this result, the RedMagic 10 Ultra not only surpasses the performance of the Apple A18 Pro in the iPhone 16 Pro, but also the performance of the Apple M2, making the smartphone faster than the MacBook Air from 2022, at least in terms of CPU performance. As previous leaks have already shown, the RedMagic 10 Ultra also offers high-end features beyond the Snapdragon 8 Elite, including a 7-inch display and 7,000 mAh battery. The smartphone is expected to be officially unveiled in November.

submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 47 minutes ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all, I've been using an RX 580 for about a year now. It's been ok, but I needed an upgrade for a little more FPS. Found this RX 6600~~XT~~ used and snagged it for $100. Are there any packages I'll need to install to make sure I get the best out of it? I know AMD support is baked into the kernel, but I remember having to install some Vulkan driver for my old GPU when I had some gaming issues. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Distro is Endeavour OS with the latest KDE plasma on Wayland.
Thank you


It seems like I can't vote on posts or comments. It seems to fail no matter the instance (other than SDF). Am I alone here?


The government believes that building the projects in question in the Baltic Sea area would have unacceptable consequences for Sweden's defence.

Archived version:



An incendiary device hidden in a DHL package that caught fire in Germany in July was due to be sent by air to the UK as part of a suspected Russian sabotage plot that may also have been a dry run for a similar attack on the US and Canada.

The device, reported to have been secreted in shipments of massage pillows and erotic gadgets, started a fire on the ground in Leipzig that was feared to be capable of downing a plane – similar to a package that ignited at a DHL warehouse in Birmingham on 22 July.


Sources indicated the suspect package in Leipzig was also bound for the UK, though why the UK was chosen as the destination for the two devices, originally sent from Lithuania, is not fully clear.


Four people were arrested in Poland as part of the alleged plot, it was announced last week, which the country’s chief prosecutor said was intended to commit sabotage using “camouflaged explosives and dangerous materials” in Europe. Two other individuals are also wanted by investigators in the country.

Another intention, according to the Polish authorities, was “to test the transfer channel” for similar parcels to be sent to the US and Canada, to see if similarly dangerous and destructive attacks could be reproduced elsewhere.

British police and officials, as well as their European counterparts in Germany, Poland and Lithuania, strongly suspect that Russia was behind the attacks as part of an effort to cause “mayhem” in the west in retaliation for western military support to Ukraine.


Top 20 Selling Blu-ray Discs

  1. Deadpool & Wolverine
  2. Twisters
  3. Borderlands
  4. Despicable Me 4
  5. The Sixth Sense
  6. Signs
  7. A Quiet Place: Day One
  8. MaXXXine
  9. Bad Boys: Ride or Die
  10. Inside Out 2
  11. Arcane: League of Legends - Season One
  12. Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation
  13. Oddity
  14. Longlegs
  15. Ghost
  16. The Wolfman
  17. Twisters Double Feature
  18. Death Becomes Her
  19. Columbia Classics 4K Ultra HD Collection Vol. 5
  20. In a Violent Nature

Source: Circana VideoScan (based on unit sales from reporting retailers)

Top 20 Selling 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Discs

  1. Deadpool & Wolverine
  2. Twisters
  3. Borderlands
  4. The Sixth Sense
  5. Signs
  6. Ghost
  7. Columbia Classics 4K Ultra HD Collection Vol. 5
  8. The Wolfman
  9. Death Becomes Her
  10. The Hitcher
  11. The Ring
  12. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
  13. A Nightmare on Elm Street
  14. Arcane: League of Legends - Season One
  15. Cheeky!
  16. Hellraiser: Quartet of Torment
  17. Gummo
  18. MaXXXine
  19. A Quiet Place: Day One
  20. Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Source: Circana VideoScan (based on unit sales from reporting retailers)

Top 10 Home Media Sellers (% of Blu-ray's Market Share Noted)

  1. Deadpool & Wolverine (75%)
  2. Twisters (56%)
  3. Borderlands (64%)
  4. Twisters Double Feature (14%)
  5. Despicable Me 4 (39%)
  6. A Quiet Place: Day One (42%)
  7. Inside Out 2 (40%)
  8. Bad Boys: Ride or Die (43%)
  9. The Sixth Sense (98%)
  10. The Wizard of Oz (11%)

Source: Circana VideoScan (based on unit sales from reporting retailers)

Further Reading:


A statement from the Metropolitan Police said: "Following an investigation by Channel 4's Dispatches and The Sunday Times in September 2023, the Met received a number of reports of sexual offences from women in London and elsewhere in the country.

"A file of evidence has now been passed to the CPS for their consideration.

"As part of the investigation, a man in his 40s has been interviewed by officers under caution on three separate occasions.

"These interviews related to a number of non-recent sexual offences which are alleged to have taken place both in and outside of London.


Anybody ever found a hacked version of any "supposed BluRay/UHD rippers" like DVDFab, DumboFab or Leawo that actually worked? I really liked Leawo and got a good copy from TorrentGalaxy but when it attempts to read the BluRay and, I guess, get its information, the software returns an error message and freezes up. The only software I've found that'll handle most everything is MakeMKV but the only thing I don't like about MakeMKV is no preview option plus sometimes it coughs a furball on regular DVDs.

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