'wank clown' is crimininaly under utilised.
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Originally r/DataisBeautiful
I'm going to become a champion for the lesser curses, like 'wankclown'.
Edit: getting replied to by a load of scumwits. disgraceful behaviour
Trump goblin
You'd like that you libnozzle.
This is survivorship bias. You can't look at the chart for low-use curses. You have to look for what isn't there, you rhino flossers.
Shut up, dirt hat!
Trust a wank clown to call someone a dirt hat.
Justice for dirt hat
A few of my favourites that haven't been called out in the comments yet:
- bumsucker
- assass
- scumstick
- dogboy
- poophat
- pissshit
- wankbag
- dirtclown
tbh i'm a bit of a dirtclown, but i have a friend who is a proper wankbag.
Poor 'dipstick' being so high on the list. I wonder how often it's actually used as a pejorative vs the tool being mentioned in car subreddits.
I'm looking for the lighter squares for more innovative-sounding ones. Like Trump Goblin and Scum Wit
Wank clown
Look here bum boy
There are some that are just unusable. I mean, dirthat and dirttard? Who are you going to say that to? Butting into the gardening comms like:
Look here all you dirttards! Man made structures are the best! I see dirthats sayin’ shit like “plants are helpful to the environment! They’re tasty!” BUT NOT AS GOOD AS MAN MADE FOOD! Why don’t you go bury yourselves, you pathetic dirtwit!
Missed several of George Carlin's 7 words you can't say on TV:
Shit ✅ Piss ✅ Fuck ✅ Cock ✅ Cunt ❌ Cocksucker ✅ Motherfucker ❌ And Tits ❌
Tits, meet toots! Toots, tits! Sounds like a breakfast cereal 🥣😋!
Can we just appreciate that Trump made it into the data.
Gonna start uaing Wank Clown, and try to drive its popularity up. That one is totally underrated, idk why I haven't thought of it
I like the band that clearly indicates the versatility of shit, dick, and fuck.
I'm also curious as to why "shitshit" isn't among the least used combinations on this chart.
wanksucker is definitely too light, that seems like a great combo
I have GOT to find a way to use twat waffle. Maybe I'll practice for a few months, repeat it in my head over and over with different intonations, rehearse my delivery in the shower or in quiet moments on the train. And when it is ready I will find the one perfect time and place to unleash it. It will be epic.
Holidays are coming up... It is gonna be a jolly twat waffle Christmas.
Which fuckbuckets are saying shitlord so much?
I have never once seen "fuck goblin" but this chart indicates it's not unsaid, just that it's not used quite as frequently as the other combinations.
Bumwaffle def needs more love!
Dirttard scumwit wankclown goes surprisingly hard
I can see why scum wit or dirt tard isn't used often. But lib sucker, in right wing areas?
As a profanity enthusiast this is relevant to my interests, you scumwit dirttard wanksucker.
Oh, new combos all over!
"Nozzle Goblin"
Wait, no one is gonna talk about twat waffle? how does waffle become a curse word?
I'm stealing fuck sucker
Today i learned...
A few new insulting word combinations. Today was a good day .