Doubt it's for the GDPR. The EU has been passing some other nice regulations on big tech lately, including the Digital Markets Act. Some things it does:
- It may prevent practices known as self-preferencing, applied by companies like Google for better displaying their products among the results of Google search.
- Gatekeeper companies could also be prohibited from reusing people's personal data. For example, Facebook could be forbidden from using the data obtained from its subsidiary WhatsApp.
- The proposal ensures rights to the platform's business users. For example, it could prohibit Apple from imposing a 30% commission on all the transactions concluded via App store.
- Gatekeepers platforms may also be prohibited from requiring business users to offer their best deals on the platform (for example Amazon required e-book publishers to apply their best conditions on the Amazon e-book marketplace).
- There are also device neutrality rules regarding the rights to delete pre-installed applications (as in the case of Apple iOS or Google Android for example) and to install apps from other sources.
- Protection rights for business users of platforms (including advertisers and publishers).
- Prohibition of some bundling practices.
- Provisions for ensuring a higher degree of data portability, interoperability, and access to data for the platform's business and end-users.
- Companies that do not comply with the new obligations may risk fines up to 10% on their worldwide turnover.