Tough to say, consult a dr. But probably the best time will be whenever you feel you have the most energy. Can be hard to match that with a fasting regimen where the body goes into energy conserving/low energy mode.
All things workout related, weightlifting, hypertrophy, exercise, powerlifting, bodybuilding
When i first started the 16 hour fasting it was a tough adjustment. Hunger arrives because I broke my usual eating patterns and headaches sets in. Eventually adjusted to the changes, did not feel like doing anything but had to just do the workout, through sheer will. I feel tired, but my health improved because of it. After working out, I feel a lot better, and I have felt noticebly stronger when doing some lifiting for everyday task.
I'd say do them but start small, adjust and increase it over time. During the fast my wil was brittle, felt like my body was eating itself, didnt want to think about anything. Perseverance and if you mess up, start again. Good luck and stay strong.
I don't know about a "best time". I guess whatever works for you. For me, I do my workouts after work, after I have broken my fast. I eat around 1_2pm then my classes start at 5.30pm.