it's a shitty design? From a company worth over 3 trillion, that gives them extra shitty points.
Hey, just one human to another. That "Voting isn't a love letter, it's a chess move" just does absolufuckinglutely nothing and comes across as insulting/pompous on your part. You're insulting someone's vote as a "love letter" (great way to get someone to read and contemplate when you're taking the meaning of the vote out of context). And your "chess move" isn't as intelligent as you think, you're in check and you only have one move.
Just one more fucking week to go and I can't wait. It's gonna be so great to see next week how Lemmy is just flooded with 3rd party initiatives, voting changes organization, donations to local and national 3rd party candidates, a heavy focus on anti-gerrymandering and securing voting rights. We're not gonna continue to discuss how there's no options and we can't support other candidacies for at least 3 years....right? Everyone saying now is not the right time is gonna be super active next week with pushing to support the future parties.... right?!
*If you have paid for newer gen and all of your iOS and Mac devices are compatible...
FTFY, it's a heavy caveat that makes 80% of their equipment dead unless you give it a second life with a different operating system. I've got perfectly decent devices that are bricks in their current original OS unless I get real technical with it. One I can double the ram capacity in it because for some reason apple throttled it's size but the hardware is designed for more if you just tweak it.
I wish apple was better about it and the device file transfers was just a staple thing that had since conception. Air transfer is a pain in the ass from past experience and works when it wants to, cloud syncing also works when it wants to even when telling it to update it now. I have a partner who uses apple almost exclusively, it's so close to being something decent but I can never tell what's actually going on with a device and there always seems to be some kind of weird hiccup in any process (like 25% of the time, still noticeable from being seamless though).
(I have frustration from this, I apologize for my rant)
This is the poor man's tech work-around and can indeed confirm it works lol. You are limited by your services upload size though so beware, you might find yourself having to do multiples and then it's just starting to get inconvenient.
I always thought of it as a semi-threat/dismissal. For example, "By your actions I see you don't really care about this serious problem." Then the response, "I could care less." Meaning, it's such a moot point to the person that they could indeed just not care at all about it if necessary.
lol Alabama representative trying to throw off the scent.
Again, just baseless conjuncture that sounds "almost right". You have the general principles, you even reference Econ 101, but analysis and expert opinion goes further (why there's so many armchair champions out there, unfortunately). Please cite some actual sources that have analyzed the systems and what your perspective has been formed by. This just seems like base-level pandering that gets no where like a "group chat" on one of the mainstream news outlets.
Things do not happen in a sterile chamber. You can't create union movements when they're getting destroyed by officials
For approximately 150 years, union organizing efforts and strikes have been periodically opposed by police, security forces, National Guard units, special police forces such as the Coal and Iron Police, and/or use of the United States Army. Significant incidents have included the Haymarket Riot and the Ludlow massacre. The Homestead struggle of 1892, the Pullman walkout of 1894, and the Colorado Labor Wars of 1903 are examples of unions destroyed or significantly damaged by the deployment of military force. In all three examples, a strike became the triggering event. (link)
Your AI argument is fear mongering, as I stated above, with sources, a net increase in jobs is projected. This is the telephone/computer technology fear now for the 2020's. You've yet to provide an actual argument for why technology shouldn't proceed. Should oil and gas not go through the same transition? God forbid we have less administration and more skilled workers, as my sources concluded would be the outcome.
Yes, supply-demand is a fundamental pricing mechanism, as econ 101 will teach. Unfortunately the subsequent classes that economists take after also include the million different factors with changes that mechanisms output. For further understandings, I would suggest Unlearning Economics (here is one of his videos going over a Sabine Hossenfelder's video on capitalism). He comes with credentials,
My background is as an economist who specialises in behavioural economics. I did my PhD in economics at the University of Manchester and from 2019-23 was a Fellow at the Psychological and Behavioural Science Department at the London School of Economics. I remain affiliated as a Visiting Fellow.
I have quantitative skills including mathematics, statistics, and coding which are illustrated by my PhD and current research. I am also a published author, with my book The Econocracy selling 15,000+ copies and having over 200 citations on Google Scholar. I also have excellent communication skills and have presented both my research and book at numerous conferences and universities.