Definitely all 3 came at some point.
I tried discord, everyone types like a fucking 12 year old... instant turn off
Is not. I played it once and didn't knew what to do also there's no story, nothing gets explained, you just run and flip and slash...
I can't afford more stuff. Makes no sense buying more gaming stuff when majority of my stuff is on xbox and my switch
I don't play on pc
That shit doesn't exist here.
I don't have social life. I want kids. It's a fucking contradiction.
Be with someone, finally being in a relationship.
Nein. Italy.
but I've been in Munich drunk once. The girls are hot
Ignorance and indoctrination. Especially back then people that don't understand science needed an excuse of why certain things worked that way in the world. Is easier to say that everything happens thanks to a big guy above us.
And I'll never have one