I'm not in abstinence, but for a while I felt like I was drinking too often. I happen across these posts on occasion, and I thought I could give a tip for someone who may be looking to quit entirely.
While not getting wasted or anything, for a while I had found myself having a few drinks three or four nights a week at what I consider my most out of control period. Then a few months ago, I got treated for adult ADHD, and suddenly I don't really care about alcohol anymore. It's like overnight I lost my interest, and now only drink socially on occasion.
It's well documented that alcoholism is comorbid with many mental disorders, sometimes to cope or self medicated. So if anyone out there is struggling hard with a substance, it may be helpful to get your head checked out by a professional if you haven't yet. Not necessarily a miracle cure, but possibly a good place to start if you have the means.
As an aside, I also quit binge eating, phoning out, and putting off tasks.
I don't know, that sounds like a made up gotcha rule from a pessimist leaving a movie theater. It's been repeated forever, but based on nothing but the word of people in miserable relationships.