That's great, enjoy your holiday!
Ooh I see now! I should have thought of it, most of my songs are in opus format, and tambourine is only picking up the flacs:
023-07-04 11:00:57.342 | ERROR | | Error while parsing music file: No Reader associated with this extension:opus
My bad, many music apps don't support opus. I have everything in flac on a separate drive, but there's no room on my laptop so I convert them. Opus is open source and compresses files in a much more optimised way than mp3, so you can get smaller files with way better sound quality.
I have no idea how much work adding support for it would entail, but I would definitely use tambourine if you decided to do it. Right now I'm using Elisa on KDE, which is nice but very slow to recreate its database every time I add or change something.
I like the design and it looks perfect for me since I store everything locally and tag manually. My only issue is it only "sees" around 600 songs out of the 30 ˙000 I have, leaving some albums with only 1 song and ignoring a lot of artists. Is there a way to force it to notice the rest? Everything is in the same folder
Change from single click to double click to open!
I guess theming would make a lot of the work, I don't remember the names but there are a few plasma themes that aim to mimic windows 10 and 11. If not the entire theme, the icons at least would make it way more intuitive.
For the office suite you might want to check out OnlyOffice(or even freeoffice), it probably looks more modern and less jarring than libreoffice for someone coming from recent versions of MS Office.
The start menu also has versions of it more similar to the windows one, but the standard one Is much better, maybe it's a change she can get used to.
Make sure the desktop is in Folder View, so she can put files and folders on it, and set Dolphin's view to the one she's used to, icons or details.
I'm not sure for gaming, but maybe check beforehand if hers work on kubuntu.
Finally I'd make a post-it explaining the names of programs: dolphin - > file explorer, Kate - > notepad, ark - > 7zip and so on. The most frustrating thing is looking for a program that should have an obvious name and finding only unknown nicknames, it takes a while to get used to!
As per the previous comment, you can still find Z-Library via Tor at this onion address:
But you need to create an account to access it (use a disposable email address). Otherwise I know is a well stocked archive
I agree, all these preferences (currency, time, date, measurements) shouldn't need to fit in a determined locale box, but if you customize them it's possible to run into issues. I believe choosing English (Ireland) might solve your issue? Either that or I have found a way to customize it way back and then forgot.