Can you install something like this: ?
Genau. Ich mag Lauch: sehr lecker. Aber bei der Zubereitung muss man höllisch aufpassen dass man nicht durchlaucht wurd.
Oder von einer Stange Lauch durchbohrt?
Free people as in free from exploitation, free from polluted environments, free from unsafe work conditions? Then I'm with you.
Germany (city of Potsdam)
In my (over 1,000 year old) city, blocking several streets with bollards and massively reducing street parking worked just fine so far. As did curbing traffic coming in, with longer "red" phases at traffic lights for cars entering, when sensors detect too many cars in the city.
you can come to terms and settle with “good enough”
Exactly. My neighbour went shopping today. I will have to go tomorrow, but why should my goal be to bring home more groceries than her?
The economy is a tool to supply people with stuff. But it's not a competition. If I have enough food I don't need more. Enough is good enough for me, regardless if my neighbour bought more. Or less.
How far is the "forseeable" future? It has to be safe for longer than mankind has existed. Since we don't even know very much about civilisations as recent as the stone age, I don't trust today's storage people.
Es sei denn, man nutzt die Abwärme zur Heizung. Wir haben hier so ein Gaskraftwerk. Das läuft nur, wenn Wärme gebraucht wird. Dank immer mehr alternativer Energie auch bei der Fernwärme (power-to-heat und Geothermie) also immer seltener. Im Sommer inzwischen so gut wie gar nicht mehr.
Oder Kluge-Zeit-Gesetz?
Dir (und mir, bin in ähnlicher Lage) will ich doch gar kein Geld wegnehmen! Gerne die Reichen höher besteuern, aber so lange es Leute gibt die buchstäblich verhungern oder kein Dach über dem Kopf haben, bin ich der letzte der die Hand aufhält.
A brand new coffee grinder (hand crank) for free, and 15 silk neckties for €1 each.