Shin Godzilla. Go in blind.
The American Godzilla movies are hit and miss, but the last two Japanese Godzilla movies fucking slapped.
Sorry, there are no PPAs that have all codecs compiled in? Is it illegal to distribute or something?
Can't you just install ffmpeg from a PPA rather than compile it yourself?
No, it's one person who is so unironically salty that they post memes about how much they hate Linux several times a day.
I'm sorry, I misread your previous comment. For some reason I was thinking you didn't like the blu-rays because of the remastered effects.
Sorry for the awkwardness, 100% my bad
Doesn't the blu-ray set include both the remastered effects and the original effects? Last I looked it did.
10.10 included much better HDR format specificity and support. It's possible your issue was fixed.
Nah, it's not universal, some of it is genetic. The other thing is, how often you wear ball-supporting underwear affects your rate of change of how much your balls sag.
Joker 2 was also pretty much explicitly a "fuck you, we don't need a sequel" of a movie