As much as I can, I will use analog tools instead of digital.
- I keep a paper agenda.
- My to-do is paper too.
- I draft all my papers longhand.
- I sketch using pen and paper.
- I do all me y research using an analog Zettelkasten (a fancy word to designate a large pile of index cards stored in boxes). I've tried using the digital modernized version of that Zettelkasten (a concept that was formalized between the 1960-90s) using an app like Obsidian but it absolutely did not work for me. Paper suits me best.
No notifications, no update/upgrade, no recharging, no bugs and no temptation to go check something online every few seconds. 100% focus.
I'm not saying that analog is better than digital, just that it works best for me and since the better I work the faster I do the work and the less I have to work. The happier I am ;)