Fuck the commodification of culture.
Fuck full time content creators.
I don't want people working full time on social networks. I don't want to read your ad, your secret knowledge, your product placement, or sponsorship, or your oh so subtle pitch for VC funding. I'm certainly not going to give money.
I want people who do their own thing in the real world, and as a hobby and show-and-tell, submit their work freely to the Internet to hone and expand their craft and field, and gain organic enrichment altruisticly.
If you want to sell stuff and make money, make your own website and store. Not on our forum.
Don't pollute our forum. I want to be inspired, be in awe, be entertained, be informed, and to give back in my own way that continues this cycle and fuels the forum.
We've fled so many greedy sites - fleeing this capitalistic parasite in hopes of finding honest discussion untainted by greed. I'm tired of fleeing.