Good! Fuck all of these "Manly men only do manly things" influencers. It couldn't be farther from the truth (and it won't help anyone get women either).
My dad ran out on us, but now looking back he was one of those types where "men only do these things". Instead i grew up with great male role models who were friends of the family, teachers, community leaders, and I looked up to them. (Also have to admit Picard as well). I still had a bit of an incel phase, but I was lucky to grow out of it quick.
I've learned one defining truth about masculinity. Real men don't worry about if they're manly or not. Real men don't care about that. Real men can be kind, gentle, thoughtful, and even tear up during a romantic movie. Turns out, women like men who can self-reflect as well. As soon as I dropped that incel crap dating became a whole lot easier, and I felt better about myself.