Do vampire rules apply? Will the subsequent Buc-ees start dying off now?
If you don't mind killing flies with a sledgehammer (massive overkill), you can search for lots of tutorials for using QGIS to create fantasy maps. This is a free, open-source mapping package that is capable of just about any style or mapping need imaginable. You can totally go down a rabbit hole and have databases linked to your map with loot tables, back stories, etc...
I've seen this done with a section of vinyl gutter before. If you do an image search for pictures there are lots of examples. The version I saw was a reddit link, which I will not utter here.
This is the right answer. The P-trap (named for the shape, not the substance) dries out and let's gasses pass. If you are feeling extra about it, you can add a capful of bleach the first time to sterilize the inside.
Is it federated and open source? If not, I'll pass.
I bought a 2 year old, 2017 BMW i3 and have had basically no range reduction. I primarily charge at home on a level 2 charger. The i3 didn't have a ton of range to begin with, so if you live in a colder climate, make sure you account for losing some of the stated range during colder months.
I was basically at my goal weight until I had a medical issue that kept me sedentary for several months, during which time I also stress-ate. I am now better and moving around more and I am remembering how good it feels to be active and appreciating it more this time. If you can move, go move. Not being able to, sucks!
This isn't a meme I can enjoy frequently....
I live in the Cincinnati area. This was required watching. Fun fact: Devil's Backbone is actually a montage of many hills in the area.
I'm pretty sure preserves have actual chunks of fruit and jam is made from puree. Jelly is just made from fruit juice.
Huh.... Ok. I subscribed and am going to try these later.
In the world of Internal Family Systems therapy, detaching means unburdening your trauma parts which results in a version of you which is closer to your authentic SELF and is much more capable of meaningful connection and love. Any "need" on your end is a part which is seeking something that it lacked at some point in your development and unburdening that part by learning to provide that need internally rather than seeking it externally allows you to make authentic connections with others without asking them to be something specific for your parts. This allows them to also be authentic and the relationship to be healthier overall.