As I've said, a symbol of luck, not necessarily of good luck. A sort of Memento Mori, but for the fact that no matter how hard you try, sometimes it's just not up to you.
Oh, no, that particular D20 is a drama queen. I'd rather take a guess than trust that die.
I do have an XL D100 I bought more as a collectible, treated copper alloy! Think it could be classified as lethal under appropriate use conditions!
Not necessarily unique, but I mostly always carry a small pouch containing a full D&D dice set.
I haven't needed dice in... years, now that I think about it, but I carry them as a symbol of luck. Not good luck or bad luck, just luck, chance. Helps me keep things in perspective when everything goes sideways.
Honestly, I wear a pair of old skinny jeans, the kind with a bit of lycra, bamboo-based socks because fluffy but not cumbersome, and T-shirt with thicc hoodie. This is in 21-22°C.
In anticipation of the funny looks, I'm super-serious about the jeans! They're nice and soft at this point, and they do a pretty good job at keeping my legs from freezing off! Pretty much wear jeans all year.
And the biggest advantage is that nobody can tell I'm essentially wearing my equivalent for pajamas!
No amount of money could ever determine me to so drastically reduce the quality of my life, let alone my sleep.
If I remember correctly, one such example is the lightbulb. Some of the earliest designs were centered around using longer-lasting filaments than their contemporary counterparts, which meant considerably increased lifespan.
Based Senpai!
Yep! I'm done! I'm good! It's ok! It's aaall fine!
Thoroughly agreed, that's what I call everything not viewed as immediately societally productive. More of a sarcastic reversal of the main complaint I've received throughout my life while just living it.
It really does take a while... Had a 9-month breakdown during the Pandemic, that one was exclusively for mental health care. I literally locked myself in my apartment and did nothing but eat, sleep, play vidya, get high, and have weekly therapy sessions for the entire duration.
It took 8 months to stop being anxious about not being stressed out. Used to wake up every morning with that sharp fear that I'd missed my daily meetings, then it would slowly turn into an "oh, shit, I'm not being Productive" jumble of self-loathing and panic.
Rock-spark'em if you gottem!