They really are. I saw a documentary where some chick infiltrated a bunch of these Turning Point and Proud Boys types clubs for boys, and they were doing literal Heil Hitler's to open their meeting. Some fucking ice breaker.
Well it's like a friend once said to me when I was about six. If assholes could fly this place would be an airport.
I agree. I protested the war when it started, but it did start, and it did continue, and Trump's move to free all those Taliban prisoners and basically give the country to them was one tmof the most shameful things America has done in a long time. But Trump loves fascists and the Taliban are fascists.
Finally some decent from Arnold.
Dude has been silent afaik.
Yeah but where can anyone make you go that you don't have a floor?
I guess you could be tortured and held up in stress positions.
He is a leader.
I remember that old footage of him in Burlington in the 70's, talking to random kids in the mall, asking them what was important to them--drug policy, free speech, good schools--and just talking to them about how they could make a difference. From the bully pulpit, he would have been transformative.
99 more years at the current rate.
God damn this fucking guy hates his mom. Should try cid.
You make good points.
Requiring people to use their real name would take out a lot of the noise, the false and misleading info, and the unqualified opinions that people are blasting out into the ether, and then other people who don't know any better find it and feel with their ape brains that their own malformed opinions and emotions are validated.
I don't think this country used to be as insane as it is now. And I attribute the insanity to bad faith actors amplifying bad faith messaging on social media.
As to your last point, we are definitely not cognitively equipped for what we have. Can we equip ourselves now, after the fact?
And a total scam by corporations to just raise prices for no reason.